1. The optimum orientation is ‘due south' (not ‘magnetic south')
as this will maximise the sunshine and/or daylight.2. The optimum pitch of the
PV Module is 30 degrees. At this angle, the PV Module will 'self clean' as much
as possible.
3. A PV Module fitted at less than 10 degrees pitch will need
regular manual cleaning.
4. An array of PV Modules can be a very effective source of
electricity production, depending on the size and number in the array. This
could provide a consistent source of tax free income for the next 25 years
(subject to the Terms and Conditions of the 'Feed In Tariff' scheme).
5. Buy a PV Module which has a 25 year guarantee.
6. Try to prevent overshadowing - it could increase your PV
output by 90%!
7. Restrict the protrusion of your PV Module to less than 200mm,
and you can avoid Planning Permission (except on Grade 1 or Grade 2 buildings,
or Areas of Outstanding Beauty).
8. If you decide to engage a specialist company to install the
PV Module(s), please check the Survey Report includes details of ‘weight
9. Consider when you might want to use the surplus electricity,
e.g. schools and commercial buildings may need additional monitoring of the
electricity fed back in the National Grid during weekends and holiday periods.