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RIBA Plymouth (CPD) Cross Professional Dialogue

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Thursday, October 24, 2013, In : RIBA Planning 
A big thank you to the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) South West Branch and, especially, to Bob Brown and the Plymouth School of Architecture for hosting last nights Cross Professional Dialogue (CPD) entitled 'playing at home; plans for Home Park/Central Park', it was a great success.

The presentation, by Richard Bara Chartered Landscape Architect & Urban Planning Coordinator at Plymouth City Council provided a very interesting insight into the history and future opportunities for lei...

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Self Building Your Own Home - Getting the Design Right

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Thursday, June 13, 2013, In : Architects Devon 

Perfecting the design of your new home is one of the hardest parts of carrying out your own self build project. Your project is going to require a massive investment, both emotionally & financially, so it is important to take your time at this stage & get it right! 

Taking your time & being certain you are happy with the design at this stage will save you time & money in the long term, as changes made later in the process will be more costly. Changes made on site during construction have the p...

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RIBA Plymouth / Exeter Branch & Love Architecture Events June 2013

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Monday, June 10, 2013, In : RIBA Architects Love Architecture 2013 

There are lots of great events fro Architects in Devon,  and those interested in Architecture, taking place in Exeter, Plymouth and the rest of the South West, including Exmouth, Cornwall, Bath and Bristol over the course of the next month as part of the Love Architecture Festival. Getting involved with these events is a  fantastic opportunity to promote the Architectural profession and the important role that architecture plays in our everyday lives to the wider world. The are also great fun...

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A link between reduced crime rates and 'good design' has been proved by CABE

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Saturday, March 2, 2013, In : RIBA Good Design 

Recently the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment have issued a report on reducing crime in high-density housing developments through design. The authors of the report claim to have provided proof that there is a link between the design of 'good' urban developments and reduced amounts of crime and anti-social behaviour experienced by residents.

The report was commissioned from CABE by the The Home Offic...

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Guide to Wood Flooring

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Monday, October 1, 2012, In : Self Build 
Wood flooring are a sought-after flooring solution in residential and commercial properties alike. When an architect approves wood flooring for your property there are often many considerations that have been taken into account prior to this approval because flooring made of wood do not fit every property or more often do not fit every single room within the property. Because of its complete natural construction, wood reacts to variations in temperature as well as disliking wet conditions. 


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Offices to homes conversions back on agenda as part of housing stimulus

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Sunday, September 16, 2012, In : Planning 

The government has revived plans to allow the conversion of vacant office buildings to residential use, a flagship policy from last year designed to increase the pipeline of new homes that the coalition said subsequently would not be implemented following a hostile reaction to consultation.

The Government confirmed that it would not take the proposals forward in a ministerial statement issued by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles last week in support of the housing stimulus package.

Pickles say...

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RIBA Architect in the House Extended

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Thursday, July 12, 2012, In : RIBA Architect in The House 2012 

The RIBA 'Architect in The House' charity fundraising scheme has been extended until the 25th July.Local Architects practice based in Plymouth and Exmouth in Devon  â€˜Jonathan Braddick – Chartered Architect Devon’ has signed up to take part in Architect in the House, the joint charitable initiative by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Shelter.

Homeowners can receive a one hour consultation with an RIBA Chartered Architect (such as Jonathan Braddick) for a suggested don...

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Neighbourhood Planning

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Saturday, July 7, 2012, In : RIBA Planning 
The Government has recently introduced new legislation, in the form of neighbourhood planning powers, that will allow local communities to have greater control over the look and feel of their area.

Planning is complex, and so the structures must be in place to ensure communities have the necessary support in this process. The profession has a key role to play in enabling the best outcomes from this policy initiative and we are looking to explore the ways in which to provide both the structures...

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Last Chance to Sign Up to the RIBA 'Architect in the House 2012'

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : RIBA Architect in The House 2012 

It is the last chance to sign up for the RIBA's 'Architect in the House 2012' and help to raise money for the Charity Shelter. Registration to the scheme closes on Monday 11 July, so if you or your friends or colleagues are considering signing up to the scheme, then now is the time.

So far over 1,200 fellow RIBA architects have donated their time in support of Shelter and over 2,500 homeowners have signed up to Architect in the House 2012, raising over £200,000.00 for the charity Shelter.

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All change for conservation area consents and immunity orders in heritage legislation

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Thursday, June 7, 2012, In : Planning 

Changes to the heritage protection regime are on the way following publication of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill sponsored by the Department of Business. Many of the proposed changes have been in discussion for some years and English Heritage has welcomed the arrival of legislation to deliver improvements to the system.

The bill seeks to fundamentally change the Heritage List for England so that the extent of a building's special interest would be legally defined in its list entry â...

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Extensions, Loft Conversions and Adding Value to Your Home

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, In : Planning 
More and more people are deciding to improve their homes rather than move, taking the view that there is plenty of scope in adding to the value of their home for longer-term gain through carefully considered extensions, upgrades and installations. Why move and pay huge amounts of stamp duty, legal fees, estate agents fees and removal costs when, with a bit of creative thinking, you can invest this money to make your current house the home you have always dreamed of.
 well-planned and execute...
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Warmer Homes

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Friday, April 6, 2012, In : Green Rennovation 

The Green Building Store has just launched some extremely useful new resources on low energy retrofits, which aim to help householders make well-informed decisions for improving the energy efficiency of their homes.

The resources include case studies of typical hard-to-treat homes in West Yorkshire and also offer guidance on developing 'whole house plans' and ventilation strategies. 

Click here to download

Click on the You Tube link below to watch computer animations showing examples of best pra...

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Neighbourhood Planning and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, In : Planning 

The Government’s new planning reforms (NPPF) will result in a presumption in favour of ‘Sustainable Development’ and present a huge opportunity for commercial developers and house builders, as long as they are able to demonstrate the sustainable credentials of a scheme and a willingness to engage with local neighbourhoods at the planning stage.

Projects that have been previously refused and even dismissed at appeal also promise to be reincarnated, again, as long as the schemes sustainabl...

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Consumer Guide to Buying Replacement Windows and Doors

Posted by Jonathan Braddick on Friday, March 2, 2012, In : Windows and Doors 

If you’re looking to buy new windows and doors, then here a few hints and tips to make sure you choose the best company to install your new home improvement products.

1.0       Recommendations

As with all building work, picking a company to install your windows and doors requires you placing your trust in a company you may never have used or even heard of before. That is why it is a good idea to use a company that has been recommended to you by word of mouth. It needs to be someone recommende...

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Jonathan Braddick - RIBA Chartered Architects Devon

Jonathan Braddick A RIBA Chartered Architects practice based in Exmouth near Exeter in Devon, Jonathan offers comprehensive Architects services: from conceptual design through to completion on site, and beyond. Jonathan practices throughout the South West and South East of England. Jonathan is the Chairman of the Plymouth Branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He provides full Architect services across all project sectors and types, but his particular passion is for bespoke, ecologically sustainable, residential developments including: housing developments, individual house builds, conversions and high-end extensions for both developer and private clients. Jonathan Braddick is not just a designer, but has a strong focus on carrying projects through from inception to completion on site. Jonathan provides a high level of legislative and technical knowledge as well as specialist expertise in construction procurement and on site contract administration. Jonathan ensures that his designs respond to all relevant planning legislation, will comply with the building regulations, are constructionally cost effective and buildable on site. As well as being a RIBA Chartered Architect, Jonathan is also a NHER licensed 'On Construction Domestic Energy Assessor' (OCDEA), providing in house sustainability/energy efficient design as a matter of course. Jonathan is able to provide this service in-house without the added delay, complication and expense of having to outsource and coordinate with another consultant. Pre-application and full Code for Sustainable Homes Assessments and advice can be provided and Jonathan is also a licensed SAP and 'On Construction EPC Assessor'.

For examples of completed projects, both in Devon and the south-east, please visit the Projects page of this website. For a summary of the Architects services that Jonathan provides and how he can help you with your project please visit the Services page of the website. 

Contact Jonathan on: 01395 265768 or email:

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Copyright 2023 Jonathan Braddick  - RIBA Chartered Architects Devon.  3 Southernhay West, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1JG        01395 265768