Recently the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment have issued a report on reducing crime in high-density
housing developments through design. The authors of the report claim to have provided proof that there is a link between the design of 'good' urban developments
and reduced amounts of crime and anti-social behaviour experienced by
The report was commissioned from CABE by the The Home Office, an established promoter of designing
for crime prevention. The design Council worked closely with academics from the University of Huddersfield to
explore a range of projects from across the United Kingdom.
Many of the traditionally assumed culprits were evident, and the
most unwanted design features included parking to the rear and
multiple entries and badly positioned garages.
The document states that 'spatial design needs to be consistent across the whole
development', with crime-encouraging elements to avoid
including the following:
un-overlooked spaces next to boundary fences
corner properties, if these do not provide adequate overlooks to both streets
exposed backs or rear access to properties
public paths and other access at the rear of properties, or at the side if not overlooked properly
'dead spaces' that can attract dumping of unwanted goods
The study criticizes perimeter fencing
and 'gated communities' as a means of creating a secure development or as a replacement for good design. It quotes an example where badly designed
parking areas in one development were found to be linked with higher
levels of robbery and vehicular crime.
Design Council Chief Executive David Kester said that
the study would equip local communities that are becoming more involved
in the design of developments to work with developers and planners.
Gleeson Homes & Regeneration, which helped advise on the project,
says it has already re-assessed its design values with regard to
security and has produced its own internal security design guide as a
The study, Creating safe places to live through design, which includes six case studies, is available to download from Design Council CABE's Localism and Planning resource.